So over the weekend I went with Paula up the road to try our hands at purchasing a giant jackfruit (kanuun). We bought a jackfruit which weighed about 10 kg, and I hung on to it like a baby on the back of the motorbike on the way back. We weren't too sure how to cut it and had absolutely not idea what would be inside. We chopped it down the middle and went to work digging through the vines and pulling out little jackfruits which look like yellow parachutes and have a slight rubbery consistency. The fruit wasn't perfectly ripe, but it was tons of fun going for it. Later that night I started talking to the Thai staff about jackfruit and learned that there is a ghost that lives in the jackfruit trees, much like the ghost that lives in the banana tree which brings us to our first phrase.
Ong ja ton klooey rue? Which means: "did you come from the banana tree"? It's a phrase used when people are either wearing green or are in traditional Thai dress. The ghost that lives in the banana tree is green and so if you're wearing the color, you might be the ghost.
Phrase number two: bai lai quia rue? Which translates: "are you chasing a buffalo"? This is a phrase used when people are walking too fast, which are usually farang.
The weather up here is fantastic as the rainy season approaches and last night we had the most spectacular lightning show. The only downside is that any time a storm blows in the power goes with it, and since my building is on a hill, the water pump shuts down meaning no power or water. Sleeping in the heat and then waking up to no shower is not fun, but hey, I can't complain.
Enjoy some pictures:

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