Friday, December 7, 2007

Let's Talk About Sun

No, I'm not referring to the large star which our solar system centers around, I'm talking about a 5th grader in my homestay.

Sun is a Thai 5th grader who lives in Sakthong house, and is probably one of my favorite humans. Sun is about 90% bilingual from what I've experienced. I believe the following events will help best describe Sun.

Sun is very well behaved but about 1 week ago I heard a lot of noise coming from his room after I had sent him and his roommates to bed for the night. When I opened the door I found some kid running around with a plastic scythe. What the heck is this? It turns out the scythe belongs to Sun and that it is a leftover from his Halloween costume. Since then I have seen him wandering around the house with his Scythe.

Tuesday night I heard a lot of noise coming from Sun's room again. When I opened the door I found him and his roommates dancing around to what sounded like an African drumming CD which was playing from a boombox in the closet. I tried to go turn it off but Sun was trying to push me away. I put down my stuff, picked Sun up and threw him into bed as he continued to suffocate himself with laughter. Without saying much, I yanked the boombox out of the closet, cord and all, and left the room laughing to myself. Sun is known to dance around when he thinks no one is looking.

Sun is actually very intelligent and resourceful. Somehow, he knows ever teacher's last name. 2 weeks ago Sun's laundry returned but with no underwear. He never said a word to anyone until we caught him a week later. He had been wearing the same pair of underwear for the whole week, and he had been washing it in the sink every day.

Sun clings to you and asks you incessant questions. He is known to hang off Ms. Paula and anyone else who will tolerate his hilarious clinginess. Sometimes I catch him talking to himself and he just looks at me says "waat?". I'm not exactly sure how to describe how awesome he is. He's always doing something funny or saying something funny without knowing it.

In any case he's actually very intelligent and one of the most well behaved and obedient kids.

Sun is great.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi David! Gosh I'm so happy for you, it sounds like you are getting to surround yourself with some truly amazing people/kids.
I thought of you today because even though you gave me an Alpha Blondy CD about 2 years ago, I just started listening to it. I have never been more inspired or more in awe of a musician than in the last two weeks listening to him everyday. It is amazing, and he is amazing! So thank you very much!
Anyway, hope all is well and I can talk to you soon
